Sunday, June 19, 2016

I've deleted much of what I've written........

Do you know what pisses me off most about a certain Psychiatrist.  He would quip at me "Use it or lose it!" in reference to the mind whilst giving me medication that shrinks the Brain.  Olanzepine...
I believe it must be one of the most DANGEROUS drugs on the market for mental health care and yet it is touted as a wonder drug because it shuts their patients up.  Why not just put us in cages, throw us bananas and watch us scratch under our armpits for entertainment if anti-psychotics are actually frustrating our humanity to the point where we actually become violent from the very same drugs that are SUPPOSED to be calming us down!!!

I don't want to be Euthanised but I don't want to live like this either.  Instead of being Suicidal I just feel like lashing out.  I had little Social Skills as it was without those being taken away by medication and illness associated with medication just compounds the suffering.  To bear the Stigma of Mental Illness is to endure a life time of being talked down to and treated as a third class citizen.  Who wouldn't feel resentful.  Most people are wise enough to bite the bullet and be grateful for small mercies....we all know that there are so many people that cower from Human interaction with their fellow human beings yet light up when we even notice them.

Where is the KINDNESS in patting ourselves on the back for TOLERANCE when we know full well that tolerance doesn't give them a place in the community.  It only emphasises the PITY!

I didn't want to be pitied for my entire life.
I didn't want to have to walk away from my own Son without even fighting for him because I knew that even in a Court of Law I would have no Rights because of the Stigma of mental illness.  Even though my own Doctor was prepared to stand up in Court and say that I WAS a Good Mother.  Is everyone just allowed to help themselves....when will the RIGHTS of the Mentally Ill actually be considered?

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