Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I thought about Crawling back.....

To my New Psychiatric Nurse
But I decided to try going without Medication
And distancing myself from my toxic relationship
With my Sister
She's the one that rocks my Boat
She says she wants to help
Whilst condemning me
And judging me
By being bullying and abusive
And always blaming my behaviour
To take advantage
And then twist the finger of blame
Onto me
It is almost Sociopathic
She spends her time
Sabotaging my relationships
And it takes enormous Courage
To walk away from her Shadow
but I feel the weight lifting off me already
No amount of Psychiatric Medicine
Could put paid to the damage
She has wreaked in my life anyway
No Drug can protect you from thirty years
Of Character Assassination
Because your father Raped you
And they took his side for the money!
Utterly Disturbed it took me thirty years
To realise what a dangerous and precarious
Situation I had got myself into
God Bless my father
For in spite of what he did
He was KIND by Comparison
Lust is a Deadly Sin
But Greed is even Uglier!

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