Sunday, June 5, 2016

Visit to New Psychiatrist

I visited a new Psychiatrist.  A charming and kind Soul so I have had it verified.  I like him and hope the new regime helps.  But I've already noticed the Seraquel is making me have restless leg syndrome.  They all attack the Dopamine and that is what I need more of rather then less of if my concentration is to improve.  Theoretically it works but it seems to me like giggery pokery and all at the expense of the patient.  When Tardive dyskinesia occurs in New Zealand everyone just plays dumb.  Suffer the patient because certainly nobody else does.  I am pissed off to put it mildly but a nice Doctor does reduce the sting so I shall try and be courteous rather than ungracious.  When I wish they'd just get it over with and be kind and line me up against a wall and Shoot me I have to go on with the knowledge that I will inevitably completely loss my mind to Mental Illness and Antipsychotics.  It's a fatal combination and I believe it's time we started acknowledging that the Mentally Ill deserve a place and a Job rather than simply being Punished for having human frailties.  Please give them Rights and Dignity instead of insults and medication.....or just SHOOT them!

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