Saturday, July 2, 2016

One of the cleverest in my class

Why do the Psychiatrists bother with Labels in the first place anyway?  Why not just call their patients "fuck wits" because that's what they call them behind their backs anyway....
One doctor referring to another patient called this human being "Half Baked".  Half Baked because of Psychiatric Drugs and Half Baked because of the pressure of Stigma and the inevitable isolation if you have a lapse in your mental health.  Where are the second chances if that's the attitude even in the medical Profession?  Men would get more comfort from a Prostitute than a hypocritical Psychiatrist that spends his time observing your nuances, telling you going to be fine in a harsh and cruel Society whilst avoiding you like the plague out of consultation and probably warning all their colleagues about you and all their friends and their associates.  Isn't that the truth of how the Psychiatric System works?

Psychologists can be just as bad.  Confide in them and I had one psychologist warning my boyfriend of the danger of getting involved with "damaged goods".   You don't stand a chance when the very people that are supposed to be caring for you view you in such a negative light.  Where's the integrity of service to the humanity of the sufferer if all they see are their faults?

David Bates, a Hospital Inspector, said he didn't know where to place me on the continuum.  Aren't most Psychiatric Patients placed at the very bottom of the heap....rubbish rejects only good for a conversation whilst making a buck out of their plight.  To Lawyers dealing with the Mentally Ill is jokingly referred to as the "Gravy Train".  They'd be much better in the bedroom than they are at protecting their clients anyway.  It's all such a farce they may as well not bother!

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