Monday, July 18, 2016

For Who Hears the Mentally Ill

From a life time of 
Mental Illness
From experiencing
Growing Up
With a GOOD Brain
That could have been put to Good use
I now beseech and Beg
That we must change the FOCUS
On the Care of the "Mentally Ill"
Awareness of the Stigma
In itself
I don't care if I don't
Write a BOOK
Or that I don't effectively
Have my Life Acknowledged
But I do care about Our Children
And Our Children's Children
If there is one thing that I can do....
It is BEG that We PROTECT
If Teenagers are fragile
It is because they know that
They cannot afford to fail
If We are to be a Civilised Society
We must look to those at the Bottom
Of the Ladder
With kindness and Consideration.
I went from being top of the Class
To being Alienated and Excluded
Languishing in relative Poverty
And even when I wasn't
Poverty of the Mind
Prevented me from Succeeding
I still debate that after my first
And Second 
And Third Breakdown
I had a USEFUL
I visualised myself
As a Cabbage Patch Doll
Because people refer to the Mentally Ill
As "Cabbages"
With my "little finger"
Attached to the Ladder
Therein lies the PROBLEM
And the Cure for Our Society
In a Truly Christian Society
We would not inadvertently 
Throw Our most Vulnerable
Off the Cliff so that we would Survive
It is both Selfish and Blind
Not to see
That the only way that we can 
COMFORT the Psyche of those with
Mental Illness
That we have made a Place
That we have safe Work environments
I did not work
Because I was vulnerable to Sexual Abuse
Let alone to the degradation 
Of the mocking of the Mentally Ill
I've Isolated
Developed Anti Social
And Compulsive Habits
I volunteer for the Scrap Heap
I want OUT
I do not know myself
I am bitter
At the Complete loss
Of my Sanity and my Dignity
And we cannot continue to blame 
The Mentally Ill
A life time of Anti psychotics
Doesn't make for a Well Society
If we place Value on the Human Soul
We cannot expect them to accept a Society
Which makes a diagnosis of a Sentence to a Living HELL
We are effectively still leaving the Mentally Ill
For dead
If all we do is afford grudging Tolerance
Whereby most are unemployed as anything but Cleaners
Or Prostitutes if they are Strong enough
And I doubt that most are........
Work houses
And decent living Standards 
For every Citizen that wants to Work
Is the only Humane way
All the Kings Horse
All the Psychiatrists
Cannot save One
Of the Mentally Ill
Whilst We watch our fellow
Sufferers enduring the degradation they
Presently endure
All the Psychiatrists
And the Psychiatric Nurses
In the World
Cannot put a Bandage on the Suffering
Of the Mentally Ill
Until we See that they have PLACEMENT
Work gives Us a chance to display
Rather than Our Weaknesses
That might WORTH
Has been wasted
What is the sense of a Society
That is Top Heavy
Or Bottom Heavy
With people enduring unemployment
And Poverty
When dissociation form Work
And Dissociation makes us Mad 
Makes Us more MENTAL
Where is the Solution
If Our Society Structures
The fear and the DAMAGE
It is upon the Governments
Of this World
That we should make Placement
for the Mentally Ill
I'm sick of being treated
Like some naughty
Three year old that deserves to be kicked into touch.....
for being over loaded with Anti-Psychotics
Until I virtually become Psychotic
To the point that I am begging for a Foresenic Ward
Where's the SOLUTION in that????????
Isn't it about time we faced up to the fact
That Our Psychiatric System is not working
We must avoid placing Our most vulnerable
In the Devils Workshop
For that is effectively where you place us firmly 
At the moment
And then we Speak admonishingly of people that become violent????
What do we expect
And the Stress
Of living with the Stigma
Of Mental Illness
Has made me crazy
Like a Stressed Rabit
That chews it's fellows ears.........
If We are to be Humane
We must avoid this
In Our fellows
And the ONLY Way
That this can be done
Is by giving the Mentally Ill
Opportunity and Work
Drugging them because they admit
To Weakness
Does not answer their fears
And Punishes them
If they cannot stand
The Condemnation
And Bullying
Help the Mentally Ill!!!!!

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