Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I had the most lovely Day Yesterday
My Painter came and worked
And had lunch
Salami and tomato and cucumber and avacado Sandwichs
My friend Joan the Witch helped me
To Plant Peas and Beans
And Parsley and Chives
And I went out to Burton Lodge
To have a Spa with "Princess Di"
And my Sister is coming to organise
My Bill Payments
People are so Kind
How could I possibly
Want Out
My Psychiatric Nurse
Is Organising Home Care
So that I may have a Companion
To encourage me
To get on My Feet
Pick up Your Bed
And Walk
So said Jesus I think
My Painter came and worked
And had lunch
Salami and tomato and cucumber and avacado Sandwichs
My friend Joan the Witch helped me
To Plant Peas and Beans
And Parsley and Chives
And I went out to Burton Lodge
To have a Spa with "Princess Di"
And my Sister is coming to organise
My Bill Payments
People are so Kind
How could I possibly
Want Out
My Psychiatric Nurse
Is Organising Home Care
So that I may have a Companion
To encourage me
To get on My Feet
Pick up Your Bed
And Walk
So said Jesus I think
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I am Alive
I have a Garden
With Peas
And Beans
And Chives
And Blessed Parsley
My Painter
Came and Did
On the Sauna Room
And it was
Happy Day
In Pardise
I understood
At the Arts Society
And Love from the Lady Golfers
With Peas
And Beans
And Chives
And Blessed Parsley
My Painter
Came and Did
On the Sauna Room
And it was
Happy Day
In Pardise
I understood
At the Arts Society
And Love from the Lady Golfers
I'm am Praised
By My First Love
That I was
The Most Beautiful
On Earth
I remember
I did Make
to God
On the Beach
Of Port WaiKato
That I was
The Most Beautiful
On Earth
I remember
I did Make
to God
On the Beach
Of Port WaiKato
Well I'm Swilling on Adams Ale!
And I'm betting on a Hunch!
And I shall do a "Painting"
Of Course
Of a Courtesan!
Likes the Days
Of Old
Sweet Chariot!
And I shall do a "Painting"
Of Course
Of a Courtesan!
Likes the Days
Of Old
Sweet Chariot!
Jo Jo is off to Canada
I took her two Lady Birds
As a Bon Voyage Gift
And snuck in some Wine
There will be a Void
As a Bon Voyage Gift
And snuck in some Wine
There will be a Void
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
May I live to be a Grandmother
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Truth is the hardest thing to face
Peter is a great Minder
But his Mistress
Is Methadone
I have no interest
In life
Without Affection
But his Mistress
Is Methadone
I have no interest
In life
Without Affection
List of Lovers
John Key
Dr daBorn
Dr Knight
Dr Saaba
Simon Menzies
and Warren Scotter
and Maybe my Psychiatric Nurse!
Dr daBorn
Dr Knight
Dr Saaba
Simon Menzies
and Warren Scotter
and Maybe my Psychiatric Nurse!
I've given up my cigarettes again
And I'm feeling bitchy
I have no reason
For Caring
For Myself
My Love Life
Is Barren
I've always said
I'd rather be a Courtesan
Than a crims whim
As a sexual Abuse Victim
I think I'd actually like
To be Comforted
By Polite
And courteous Gentlemen
And I'd like to
Play the Harp
And put flowers
In vases
Rather than
For a Bully
To out Bully
The Bullies
I cannot bear
That there is
No romance
In my life
I have no reason
For Caring
For Myself
My Love Life
Is Barren
I've always said
I'd rather be a Courtesan
Than a crims whim
As a sexual Abuse Victim
I think I'd actually like
To be Comforted
By Polite
And courteous Gentlemen
And I'd like to
Play the Harp
And put flowers
In vases
Rather than
For a Bully
To out Bully
The Bullies
I cannot bear
That there is
No romance
In my life
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Crisis team are Great
I had Mint Pesto made by Diane
My friend Jo Jo and Joanne Counselled
Me about pulling up my socks
I am alive
And I suppose
Where there is Life
There is Hope
It's a Beautiful World
And I was a Beautiful Child
Please God
Give me back my Innocence
And Naievety
I had Mint Pesto made by Diane
My friend Jo Jo and Joanne Counselled
Me about pulling up my socks
I am alive
And I suppose
Where there is Life
There is Hope
It's a Beautiful World
And I was a Beautiful Child
Please God
Give me back my Innocence
And Naievety
Thursday, October 22, 2009
So as to Not Euthanaise
I need a Doctor
A Psychiatrist
A Lover
An Accountant
A Lawyer
A Solicitor
A Dentist
And a Credit Card
So that I could adopt
A Girly Philosophy
Like Paris
Or Barbie
I don't want to be a Toy
But Please
If I cannot Defend Myself
Defend Me
I definitely need a Good Psychiatric Nurse
And the Mentor
Of a White Witch
And a Minister of Religion
To Bless
Well don't know what I was mumbling on about
Being Mentally Ill is One thing
Co-existing in a Hostile Community
Is quite another
When One is Young
One is Vulnerable
We must Assist
Those that have fallen
Off the Cliff
If We do not want
People to Become
Burdens to Society
They need to be
Groomed for Employment
And Placement
Within the Community
That is the only
Way of Dealing with Mental Illness
The Present Charade
Is left Wanting
A Psychiatrist
A Lover
An Accountant
A Lawyer
A Solicitor
A Dentist
And a Credit Card
So that I could adopt
A Girly Philosophy
Like Paris
Or Barbie
I don't want to be a Toy
But Please
If I cannot Defend Myself
Defend Me
I definitely need a Good Psychiatric Nurse
And the Mentor
Of a White Witch
And a Minister of Religion
To Bless
Well don't know what I was mumbling on about
Being Mentally Ill is One thing
Co-existing in a Hostile Community
Is quite another
When One is Young
One is Vulnerable
We must Assist
Those that have fallen
Off the Cliff
If We do not want
People to Become
Burdens to Society
They need to be
Groomed for Employment
And Placement
Within the Community
That is the only
Way of Dealing with Mental Illness
The Present Charade
Is left Wanting
To Doctor Saaba
Dear Doctor S
Yes my Mind was trying to Euthanaise
My Body
My Soul
So Much on Earth
Pray that
Our Babies
Are not
So Subjected
Is that
The illness is Severe
And that my final Sane
Is that my Child
Not be Robbed
Of My Frailty
Yes my Mind was trying to Euthanaise
My Body
My Soul
So Much on Earth
Pray that
Our Babies
Are not
So Subjected
Is that
The illness is Severe
And that my final Sane
Is that my Child
Not be Robbed
Of My Frailty
Dark Valley
I had Romantic Visions
Of cutting
My Own throat
Beside the failing
Rose Garden
So that
I be Remembered
For My Courage
Rather than my weakness
I am a Sinner
And Please
Remember a Good
When I am
Alone in the Darkness
Shine Your Light
And lead me forward
Love and
Of cutting
My Own throat
Beside the failing
Rose Garden
So that
I be Remembered
For My Courage
Rather than my weakness
I am a Sinner
And Please
Remember a Good
When I am
Alone in the Darkness
Shine Your Light
And lead me forward
Love and
Truth to Truth
Black Friday
It's not the thirteenth but it is a black Friday anyway. I spend my time fantasizing about commiting suicide. Everybody is bending over backwards to accommodate me and the only option seems to be to go back to Hospital and have E.C.T. I've had umpteen admissions to Mental Hospitals and have always maintained a Positive outlook in the Past.
But I've come to the end of my tether. I swing between Suicidal Depression or with the Bi-Polar being a Mad Fairy, flitting around making a fool of myself and being called "Colourful" by the kind. The Ambulance at the bottom of the Cliff seems a complete waste of time and money and Suicide seems like the preferable option for me at the moment.
I'm angry at myself and angry at the System because Hope is just a word that is offered when capable, intelligent people are shunned from the Work force because they have a Mental Illness. I had U.E and couldn't get a job as a tea lady because I have a Mental Illness and declared it. Trying to be Positive in the face of the degree of Isolation one experiences seems futile. You pretend it is O.k while you move in ever decreasing circles until you really are Mad. Then they offer you umpteen solutions and courses of Action when you know you have completely lost your mind and cannot even avail yourself of the resourses available.
If you have a Mental Illness people are excused for your attempted Murder and sexual abuse and then you are told that your behaviour is so inappropriate that it is not a wonder that person tried to murder you. I would be happier in Tokanui than being left to flounder in our "Civilised" community that talks about your weaknesses and about being a bludger because you are unemployed and living in the community. People call you annally retentive and such like and you are left to rattle around in your own home feeling like a Prisoner and as if you yourself have committed a crime.
Morally I should have a right to Euthanasia because a Human Being can only stand so much grief and bullying. And a simple solution to saving the souls of the Mentally Ill would be to include rather than exclude them in Society. I am not a killer and I would only take the anger out on myself but you cannot expect to offer such high levels of Hopelessness in Our Society and not expect murders to happen.
Half way homes like Pathways are not a solution because people rattle around there like skeletons in closets drugged up to the eye balls so that they are comfortable with their pain of exclusion. Honest to goodness work for the Mentally Ill would give them dignity and halve the amount of drugs that they need. I am sick of cleaning toilets and saying how wonderful life is so give me peace and stop wasting money on me and give those that can still be helped a decent chance!
But I've come to the end of my tether. I swing between Suicidal Depression or with the Bi-Polar being a Mad Fairy, flitting around making a fool of myself and being called "Colourful" by the kind. The Ambulance at the bottom of the Cliff seems a complete waste of time and money and Suicide seems like the preferable option for me at the moment.
I'm angry at myself and angry at the System because Hope is just a word that is offered when capable, intelligent people are shunned from the Work force because they have a Mental Illness. I had U.E and couldn't get a job as a tea lady because I have a Mental Illness and declared it. Trying to be Positive in the face of the degree of Isolation one experiences seems futile. You pretend it is O.k while you move in ever decreasing circles until you really are Mad. Then they offer you umpteen solutions and courses of Action when you know you have completely lost your mind and cannot even avail yourself of the resourses available.
If you have a Mental Illness people are excused for your attempted Murder and sexual abuse and then you are told that your behaviour is so inappropriate that it is not a wonder that person tried to murder you. I would be happier in Tokanui than being left to flounder in our "Civilised" community that talks about your weaknesses and about being a bludger because you are unemployed and living in the community. People call you annally retentive and such like and you are left to rattle around in your own home feeling like a Prisoner and as if you yourself have committed a crime.
Morally I should have a right to Euthanasia because a Human Being can only stand so much grief and bullying. And a simple solution to saving the souls of the Mentally Ill would be to include rather than exclude them in Society. I am not a killer and I would only take the anger out on myself but you cannot expect to offer such high levels of Hopelessness in Our Society and not expect murders to happen.
Half way homes like Pathways are not a solution because people rattle around there like skeletons in closets drugged up to the eye balls so that they are comfortable with their pain of exclusion. Honest to goodness work for the Mentally Ill would give them dignity and halve the amount of drugs that they need. I am sick of cleaning toilets and saying how wonderful life is so give me peace and stop wasting money on me and give those that can still be helped a decent chance!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I am assigned to light Duties
Whilst Peter is attending
To the Domestic upkeep
Of the home
Thank God for All Our
To the Domestic upkeep
Of the home
Thank God for All Our
Friday, June 12, 2009
A Poem a Day
It would be nice
If the Poet
Could simply
Compose a Poem
Or the Artist
A Painting
And receive fair remuneration
To follow their Goals
Rather than for most of them
To live in Poverty
In Poverty
And then Die
If the Poet
Could simply
Compose a Poem
Or the Artist
A Painting
And receive fair remuneration
To follow their Goals
Rather than for most of them
To live in Poverty
In Poverty
And then Die
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
And should we not try every way possible
Known to man
To make Psychiatric Patients
Feel accepted in our Society
So that they may live without Anxiety
And fear!
For most are victims
Of the Crimes
We don't Prevent.
Giving people
Outside of Institutions
And Prisons
Would drop the Crime Rate
To make Psychiatric Patients
Feel accepted in our Society
So that they may live without Anxiety
And fear!
For most are victims
Of the Crimes
We don't Prevent.
Giving people
Outside of Institutions
And Prisons
Would drop the Crime Rate
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Three Good Things that have happened to me Today
I started a Painting called "The Green Tear of God"
I made Fudge and committed the Cardinal Sin of enjoying it!
I had a Visitor
Peter is becoming a Master of Harakeke!
I made Fudge and committed the Cardinal Sin of enjoying it!
I had a Visitor
Peter is becoming a Master of Harakeke!
My Hypnotherapy session was fascinating.......
And my Hypnotherapist spent alot of time
Helping me to cut down trees
And Sunlight
Pours through
And I see
Spring Blossoms everywhere
I think I would love to see a
Springtime in Japan
And drink chilled Saki again
Helping me to cut down trees
And Sunlight
Pours through
And I see
Spring Blossoms everywhere
I think I would love to see a
Springtime in Japan
And drink chilled Saki again
My Doctor whom I was so pleased to see.....
Told me that I have to list three Positive things that have happened to me.
I enjoyed the Flax Weaving Weekend because of the lovely caring people.
I enjoyed my Doctors visit.
I enjoyed going to my Hypnotherapist.
And I accept myself
With all my foibles.
I enjoyed the Flax Weaving Weekend because of the lovely caring people.
I enjoyed my Doctors visit.
I enjoyed going to my Hypnotherapist.
And I accept myself
With all my foibles.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I am watching my partner blossom doing Flax Weaving
I certainly hope funding is not being Cut to that as well!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I have jolly Forgotten exactly what I am going to say.
Perfect for Psychiatry
But if I actually Don't Want!
Want to be a "Human Pill Bottle"
When I would rather be a Strawberry
Fresh and lush
To be but a blade of Grass
On Heaven's Earth
Without more Suffering
I like the green grasses of Home.
But if I actually Don't Want!
Want to be a "Human Pill Bottle"
When I would rather be a Strawberry
Fresh and lush
To be but a blade of Grass
On Heaven's Earth
Without more Suffering
I like the green grasses of Home.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The first mistake it to not give these people work. Often people that suffer from Mental Illness are highly intelligent and capable human beings. We give opportunity to work to people with Down Syndrome. If we gave people with Mental Illness the dignity of work I believe that these people's need for Mental Health Services would be drastically reduced.
I also believe that we would be delighted by the productivity that allowing them this dignity would provide.
In the interim we should not cut money to so call "Hobbies" because these "Hobbies" help to keep people sane. Taking away this pleasure is not a caring attitude to ones community. I heard $20 million was cut from the Budget and I think it very sad and that opportunity for Community Mental Health is at threat of loss from the funding cut.
The first mistake it to not give these people work. Often people that suffer from Mental Illness are highly intelligent and capable human beings. We give opportunity to work to people with Down Syndrome. If we gave people with Mental Illness the dignity of work I believe that these people's need for Mental Health Services would be drastically reduced.
I also believe that we would be delighted by the productivity that allowing them this dignity would provide.
In the interim we should not cut money to so call "Hobbies" because these "Hobbies" help to keep people sane. Taking away this pleasure is not a caring attitude to ones community. I heard $20 million was cut from the Budget and I think it very sad and that opportunity for Community Mental Health is at threat of loss from the funding cut.
Don't you think there should at least be some discussion
Don't you think there should be more discussion about the Right to Euthanasia for Mental Health Clients? Or do you think this subject should be Taboo and conveniently swept under the carpet? I invite your view. Positivity is fine to a degree but when the loss of faculties is too great to survive in a cold and cruel Society shouldn't we deserve the option. I do not see why I should lead my life picked over by Scavengers whilst my son's inheritance is drained and wasted on my care.
It is a bit harsh to describe those that care for the weak and vulnerable as scavengers but shouldn't there ultimately be a limit to the suffering that Mental Health Clients endure? I don't like being patronised about trying to enjoy a cup of tea when the Issues surrounding Mental Illness are so complex.
It is a bit harsh to describe those that care for the weak and vulnerable as scavengers but shouldn't there ultimately be a limit to the suffering that Mental Health Clients endure? I don't like being patronised about trying to enjoy a cup of tea when the Issues surrounding Mental Illness are so complex.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I understand anxiety
Anxiety is a disease brought on by our hypocrisy. Superficially we are kind but behind the backs of the vulnerable we roll our eyes and condemn. We criticise and condemn and talk about them behind their backs and expect them not to suffer from fear. If we really cared about the Mentally Ill we would teach them trust and uplift them. Not leave them rattling around in their respective closets of despair. Please give them some employ to soothe their souls and to keep others safe.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
This is what needs to happen to proactively help Mental Patients
First they need to be assigned a Legal Advocate.
Somebody who will bat for them.
Not just someone on the Gravy Chain but someone who is genuinely concerned!
People that present as Mentally Ill are often identity factors in dysfunctional families and just filling them with psychiatric medicine and sending them home is, in my opinion, just another abuse.
Somebody who will bat for them.
Not just someone on the Gravy Chain but someone who is genuinely concerned!
People that present as Mentally Ill are often identity factors in dysfunctional families and just filling them with psychiatric medicine and sending them home is, in my opinion, just another abuse.
Friday, May 29, 2009
If people want to work then, for God's sake, give them work!
I trained for 2 decades to get work but knew all along that where ever I tried to find work I would not be accepted. I could have made a very good nurse or Legal Secretary or even just a humble mother but even that opportunity was robbed from me. The discrimination is so overwhelming that even the sane could not survive. And everywhere I look I see the toll that persecution reeks on the mentally ill. I am not the only shattered spirit living in fear of the next attack on one's self esteem.
And if giving people work would shrink the crime rate why not give people work. It is ridiculous to give people work inside prisons when we could give people work outside of prison and shrink the crime rate and the number of Victims of Crime.
And if giving people work would shrink the crime rate why not give people work. It is ridiculous to give people work inside prisons when we could give people work outside of prison and shrink the crime rate and the number of Victims of Crime.
I'm having so much fun!
Why don't I want to live?
Well actually I do but I would be happier in Heaven than be judged as a complete looser when I wasn't given a chance in the first place.
People are so disrespectful of anyone they perceive as weak that, on that count, we kid ourselves as being Civilised but we react like Animals.
In a truly Civilised Society we would not condemn so quickly those that are not able to compete at quite the same level.
I have served three consecutive life sentences as a Mental Patient and I am really pissed.
In fact, most people that suffer from Mental Illness are highly intelligent. I believe that if you were to give these people a decent chance in the beginning Society would only stand to reap huge rewards. As it stands at the moment they are condemned and the Human suffering is enormous.
Well actually I do but I would be happier in Heaven than be judged as a complete looser when I wasn't given a chance in the first place.
People are so disrespectful of anyone they perceive as weak that, on that count, we kid ourselves as being Civilised but we react like Animals.
In a truly Civilised Society we would not condemn so quickly those that are not able to compete at quite the same level.
I have served three consecutive life sentences as a Mental Patient and I am really pissed.
In fact, most people that suffer from Mental Illness are highly intelligent. I believe that if you were to give these people a decent chance in the beginning Society would only stand to reap huge rewards. As it stands at the moment they are condemned and the Human suffering is enormous.
To Live like a Dog
When I was sixteen I wrote a Speech on Euthanasia and after enduring 30 years of existing with Bi- Polar I think I should be entitled to Euthanasia when the going gets too tough. Some Mental Health Patients manage to live relatively normal and happy lives but for those that are just subsisting surely that suffering should have limitation. Mental Patients have very little rights and are walked over and taken advantage of in almost every corner of society. Mental suffering is big business for Drug Companies and the Medical Profession and a burden on Society in general so why not let people get off the bus. Instead we invest lots of money into propping people up who don't want to be propped up. Comprehensive care needs to be given when people present rather than the bottom of the cliff approach. Mental Patients are not just Statistics. They are Human Beings that should be allowed the Power to vote on their treatment after ten years by choosing or not choosing Euthanasia. I'm sure that if there was a limit to the amount of suffering these people had to endure services would improve tenfold at the beginning. Why should a Human Being be subjected to interminable suffering when they are shunned in nearly every corner of society?
I invite your view!
I invite your view!
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