Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What upsets me the most, now that my father is deceased, god Bless his Soul, that in spite of the fact he raped me, it is my Sociopath of a brother that fuels the Rage within my own Soul.  He stood back, because Money mattered more to him than the harm which my father had done.  And when my father died he blatantly displayed, once again, that only money mattered to him.  I've nicknamed him "Mercenary Merv" and his wife "Frankensteins Freezer".

My father left the helm to this cold Sociopath.  He has no conscience.  He cares only for money and the power that money brings.  He is not, in any way, apologetic for exaggerating the harms done by showing himself to be greedy and Heartless when executing his fathers Will against his own fathers Will for his own devices.

After my father set him up really well in business by making sure he was more than comfortable and the fact that he was worth 12 million and then he choose to carve off money that had been set aside for his younger siblings, he then turned round and scoffed that my fathers assets were paltry in comparison to his own wealth anyway.  I'm scathing of his arrogance and his heartlessness.  It did not matter to him when I told him I'd been raped.  It did not matter that he knew that the stress and isolation over money matters would further destroy me.  He felt entitled by mums consideration for her favourites and so I must rot in hell for my own brothers greed and arrogance.........The very Woman he called a "Stupid Old Bitch" for saying that she would support her eldest son to the younger three siblings money he was going to get to go to a Psychiatrist to prove her mental state so that he could prove entitlement.

That is not the makings of a Good Brother.  That is a Sociopath.

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