Friday, May 9, 2014

The Prime Minister said a Simply Brilliant Phrase about the Benefits of Work.  I've had so many Drugs I can't Quote it.

I remember very nervously facing Fraser MacDonald and Him telling me that I would have a "Normal" Life.  With a bit of Good Luck….Here, here,  that sort of thing.  It is an Enormous Anomaly that Psychiatrists, by their Profession are considered Humane and Caring Human Beings.  They are for the Most Part Just that.  I have always and will Always Admire those that Reach out to the Mentally Ill.  But Unfortunately the Goal Posts are too Low and We expect the Mentally Ill to accept their Lot Stoically and never Complain While We Walk over their Spirits as if they were Door Mats.  Many drift in enormous Despair on the Out Skirts of Humanity under the Enormous Shadow that being Diagnosed with a Mental Illness Casts.  I am not imagining being Vilified.  It is a Truth.  

We need a Future in which every Child is Groomed and Encouraged that they Will find a Place in the World.  Even if they have a Mental Illness.  PLEASE don't Allow Our Children with Psychiatric Disabilities to live Lives where they never See the Light.  Please bring them Out of the Shadows and find Their Worth.  Please don't merely Focus on Their Failings because…sure as Eggs They will Live Up or Down to Expectation.

If Our Children are to have Hope they need to See that there will be Placement in the Community.  Apparently some Companies are using Autistic People, I Believe, to run Data Bases, because though they have Social Difficulties they are Actually VERY GOOD Workers.  That is Fascinating and the Model We need to Adopt in Countries around the World as well as Darling Aotearoa.  I am Shell Shocked from a Life of Surviving with a Mental Illness.  I Beg for Our Children and for a Brighter Future in Humanities Response to the Mentally Ill.  PLEASE.  We need to Patch the Cracks or Chasms that Our Kids are falling into.  Psychiatry needs to move towards Humanity and Non-Discrimination.  You cannot just Sit Upon Pedestals and merely Observe the Demise or therein not of the SPECIMEN.  You should Campaign for their Legal Rights and the Right of Every Citizen that They Should have Work Opportunity.  Medication is not the Answer…It is merely a Band Aid applied to Calm the Distress of the Patient.  My Distress stems from the fact that I SAW my Mother Already Destroyed.  We cannot Keep taking Pot Shots as the Mentally Ill, the Ex-Prisoners and the Drug Addicts.  If We are to Heal Our Society We need Work Shops in Every Community Provided by the Government so that Our Children can have a Shot at Dignity and be Loved.  Not Judged and Hated.  I turned to Marijuana Later in Life When I was Shattered because I realized I would not make it into the Work Force.  To Heal this Society We need to Give Everyone a Chance.

That is my Plea

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