Monday, May 30, 2016


Why do women kiss the ground
That Movie Stars walk on
When there's a loving man
Right at their door
They want something more
Cold reality is always hard to face
It should be for the man that loves you
That you wear
That scintillating lace
Treat him like a Hero
Instead of Second Best
And he might just Surprise you
With a bit of Tenderness
but it has to be him
That you save your kisses for
Love is perennial
But you only have one life
Make your man happy
by becoming his Wife

Elegant Sophisticates
Tuxedo colours
Gliding by
Haughty and indignant
The Canadian Geese
Gate crash the party
A noisy bunch
And the Black Swans
Disdainfully turn noses
To the Air
As if to say
"You're not welcome here"
Nature's ballroom
Reflecting charm and Majesty

Copy 2007
Before I was Mad.....


Tribute to my Son

Oh wonderful World
Oh holiest of delights
To give birth
To innocent Majesty
Who would have thought
That the ultimate passion
Be found in the purity
Of Motherhood
He raises me
Above unholy self
To Strength
And pride
And honour
God bless this child
For his delight
For he brought
Into my life
I Attest that I am Guilty
By Reason of Insanity
For Madness
It is the Ultimate Human Crime
You may as well 
Be Herded behind bars
And Experimented
On because you are not Wanted
Until your tongue and your eyes roll out
And for punishment you are herded
With thankfully Peaceful Isolation Ward
So as to finish off
What it is it about me that people most Hate
Is it because I have lost Trust in Humanity
Oppression for the Treason of having Vulnerabilities
Is that how We Should TREAT the Mentally Ill
Isn't it all a Bit Nose in the Air?
Even in the Art World?
Even Van Gogh
Can you imagine 
His Outrage
That he lived a life in Poverty
Laughed at...
The Cruelest form of Love
And Blessed Chepas
Washed my face


Salvador Dali did not 
Paint for this System
He did it because he had Vision
Value Artists
Stipend them
Let them share
The Cup of Wealth
In Life
Or does the tough Story
Make them Interesting
According to the Art World
I am a Nobody
but if I Speak
to the Artists that are Dead
Oh shit please don't rare Our children
In Poverty
And deprivation
On Mind bending Substances
Make a Place
Acknowledge them as Equals
Don't Sign them off
As Retards
Isn't that What the System
Is all About?
More like the Psychiatric Cistern
At least I suppose death frees Us
From Our Psychosis
But put me in a Forensic Hospital
Where I can rant at my Psychiatrists
For Robbing my faculties
It is not my choice
Nor my Destination
Oh I hate being quite Mad

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Oh... that's right.  The only time I stop "Pill Rolling".  A Classic Symptom that one has Tardiskinesia, I'm not going to be a Show Off
I can't even spell the fucking Word
If as many as 40-60% have this Symptom
Of Chronic Brain Impairment
Due to Antipsychotic Drugs
Don't We owe it
To the Mentally Ill
to give them dignity
We talk of Human Rights
But do we apply them
In terms of LOVE
I once was Innocent
After a Life Sentence to mental Illness
Living Death of the Brain
Due to Antipsychotics
Which makes me
So Angry I tell
them that I have
thoughts of Killing my Psychiatrists
When I don't know how
But if we are only breeding
Surely we must immediately
PLEASE Change the System
And give Each and Every Child Work
And that includes the Mentally Ill
Other than that they are Stigmatised
They are INFACT
Very Good Workers
When they are young
And not too Impaired by Psychiatric Medicine
AT least a Fools Paradise
Is Peaceful
Poverty and Psychosis
Breed Rage
In even the Non Violent
The Recipe is wrong
And I've just had a Puff of Marijuana
They told me DO NOT
Take it
You'll talk drivel
But after Olanzepine
I can only Drivel and Eat
And Pill Roll
Is this what We want
For Our Children
And Our Children's Children
When we could instead find
Their Creative Worth
And give them Acknowledgement for that.
On a Scale from 1-10
Where do you rate the Mentally Ill
That is exactly my point
I cannot Die
Until I write my Book
And I cannot Write my book
If all I do is Pill Roll
So this is a Spontaneous PLEA
Treat Us as if We are Sub-human
Shut down the Mind
Make Us all into Dumb Monkeys
And then Dismiss Us all to an Early into the Grave
I Do not call that EQUALITY
The United Nations Stands for Justice
When will We Protect the Mentally Ill?
Instead of Punishing them for not fitting in
They sit alone in their Emotional Pain
Scorning themsleves
When really society begins to let them down from the very beginning
Of their trip through Mental Illness
We PITY you
But don't come near Us
The Stress of total Alienation
In Society
Would make Bunnies
Eat their own Ears
I will Always be a STATISTIC
It is my after bears that I'm concerned about

I am SAD
Haven't I a Right to be
From winning Citizen of the year
At my College
From having a brain that would have once compared with that of Our Prime Minister
I am reduced to a Moron
With only Pathways
And Mental Health Services
As my friends
President Obama
Drop a Bomb on me